Motorola has just released a new video to introduce their newest smartphone, the Atrix 4G, and you are gonna want to view it. It's one very attractive introduction! The Atrix 4G is advertised as the 'Worlds most powerful smartphone.' It appears to be a 'super' phone. The video shows us some docks, one behind a laptop, and the other for a mammoth TV screen that the Atrix can connect to.
I've heard it will be priced at only $150 on a two year contract at Costco and Amazon Wireless. That's a steal for a phone of this caliber if it does live up to all the hype. AT&T should be bringing this out in a few weeks, so we'll soon get a confirmation on price and availability.
Please absorb yourself in the video and images below. It really impressed me as one heck of a smartphone!